пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

How To Choose A Healthy Weight Loss Program

When you aim for weight loss, it can be quite intimidating to zero in on the ideal healthy weight loss program. You hear all the talk about the weight loss programs that are working for your friends and you see the change in them as they follow them sincerely. Apart from the wonderful benefit of looking forward a great new wardrobe after you lose all that extra weight, the benefits to your health are many, provided you continue to keep the weight off.

Any diet has chances of success only if there are lifestyle changes and changes in food habits. There is actually no miraculous way to weight loss. A healthy weight loss program is one where your calorie intake is exactly what you need, supported by adequate activity. But it can be tough to decide on a program on your own. There are so many of them advertised with most of them looking effective, that you need help with choosing the right one for you. So what follows are a few pointers on how you go about getting your weight where it needs to be.

Talk To Your Doctor:

Depending on how much weight you want to lose, you will need to consult your health care provider to evaluate your present condition. In case you are on medication for something, you would need to consider that as well. You want to ensure that your weight loss program does not have adverse effects on your health. Therefore, with your doctor's help work out your weight loss goals. If you intend going in for any meal replacement supplements, you must go over it with your doctor to see how it can help or harm you.

Talk With Others Who Tried The Program:

Once you choose your healthy weight loss program, find out the number of people who actually tried the program and how effective it was for them. Also ask about how much weight they lost within what time frame and whether they gained weight later. Most companies that promote their system will readily have this data available and share it with you. If they don't, then you are better off staying away from them.

Maintain Your Weight Loss:

Some programs help lose weight quickly but many times, they cause the user to gain that weight back just as rapidly. This is why weight loss maintenance must necessarily be a part of the weight loss program you enroll for. Your healthy weight loss program must encourage you to make changes that you can record in a diary where you keep notes on your food intake. The program must cultivate good eating habits and include an exercise regimen that suits you. The meal plan must contain the necessary nutrition your body needs.

Finally, Consider The Cost Of The Program:

You need to know whether the supplements that are part of the program are included in the cost or whether you will be charged extra for them. Find out about the kind of support you will get. You should choose a healthy weight loss program that is aimed at a gradual weight loss, helping you keep it off in the long run.

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среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

Male and Female Fat Metabolism - What is the Difference?

So what is fat metabolism? Fat metabolism is a process that will break down the facts that we ingest into the body into glycerol and fatty acids. Fat metabolism with glyceral and fatty acids are broken down into very simple substances so that the body can be utilized by the cells of the body. So what does all of this really means?The fat in your body can be broken down converted into the energy. So how does this really affect you? If you are a person who is trying to lose some weight, fat metabolism will have a lot to do if it! What happens is the fact that gets broken down and uses energy this is what causes you to eventually lose weightDid you ever wonder why it is bad man and women will lose weight at different rates? Well you have to understand that this also has to do with fat strength metabolism. There are a few differences in the fat metabolism between men and women.The metabolic variationsThere are a few differences when it comes to fat storage and fat metabolism in men and women. The first thing that you need to know is that a woman's body fat percentage is tend to be higher than those of men.What you usually see is that while women will store more of their fat in the gluteal-femoral region (the hips and thighs), while the men would tend a store more of their fat in the abdominal region. These differences between men and women and fat metabolism are supported by scientific studies.Scientists say that the abdominal zone and the fat located there is easier to metabolize them the fat that is located in the hips and thighs or the gluteal-femoral region. Another factor that makes the difference between men and women and losing weight and storing fat is there are a greater number of Alpha receptors, which promote the storage of fat, are generally some in the hips and thighs of women. These two factors alone show that men usually have a faster metabolism than women and are more successful at shedding those unwanted pounds.

When is low fat metabolism dangerous? One of the side effects of a person being overweight or obese is that they you can develop high blood pressure which is extremely harmful to your health. We also know and talked about it earlier, that low fat metabolism is a factor to being overweight. Could there be a connection? Of course there is! So now we know that low fat metabolism is bad for your health and according to studies, maybe affected too high blood pressure. More importantly, is that high blood pressure could cause low fat metabolism in your heart.There are some people that are over weight and have been blaming this excess weight on their metabolism. Well come to find out, they are not that far from the truth. But you must know that this is no excuse to try to lose some weight. When you start to look at the health concerns that are associated with being overweight, you should focus your effort on a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. What you don't want do is allow the fat metabolism from stopping you from living your life to the fullest!

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вторник, 19 марта 2013 г.

Купить квартиру в кредит в Киеве станет намного сложнее

Нацбанк намерен ограничить сроки выдачи банками долгосрочных займов десятью годами. В первую очередь нововведение коснется ипотечных кредитов, которые сейчас выдаются на 20-30 лет.

Об этом «ДЕЛУ» сообщили сразу несколько банкиров.

«То, что готовятся ограничения относительно сроков кредитования, — правда. Но конкретные сроки их введения я назвать не могу», — говорит председатель правления Укрпромбанка Александр Солтус.

«Сейчас этот вопрос достаточно активно обсуждается. НБУ, скорее всего, готовит такое постановление», — утверждает председатель правления Международного ипотечного банка Юрий Блащук.

Такие действия Центробанка продиктованы постоянно растущим разрывом между сроками пассивов и активов банков. К примеру, депозиты населения, как правило, банки привлекают на один год, еврооблигации и синдицированные займы приносят финансистам 3-5-летние ресурсы. А кредиты финучреждения выдают на 20-30 лет.

Больше всех не повезло заемщикам. Ограничение сроков кредитования напрямую приведет к увеличению ежемесячного платежа. К примеру, если взять 100 тысяч долларов под 12% годовых на 20 лет, то в первый месяц (при стандартной схеме) придется заплатить 1417 долларов. Аналогичный кредит, но на 10 лет, обяжет клиента в первый месяц внести 1833 доллара.

А если учесть требования банков, ипотека вообще станет доступной только для избранных — ведь в большинстве случаев кредит может получить только тот клиент, у которого коэффициент PTI (соотношение месячного платежа по кредиту к ежемесячному доходу) составляет 0,4-0,6. Получается, что нужно будет «показать» зарплату как минимум в 3 тысячи долларов. Немало, согласитесь.

В то же время заемщикам, которые успеют взять кредит до вступления в силу новшеств Нацбанка, беспокоиться нечего. «Ни один закон и ни одно постановление не имеют обратной силы. То есть все кредиты, которые уже выданы, будут продолжать существовать в том же виде, здесь ничего не изменится», — успокаивает заместитель председателя правления банка «Контракт» Павел Крапивин.

Банкиры к планам регулятора отнеслись спокойно. По их словам, ограничение сроков кредитования рынок особо не почувствует. «Такое нововведение в первую очередь скажется на заемщиках, которые кредитуются на 20 лет и более. Но на кредитных портфелях банков это вряд ли отразится», — считает председатель правления Банка НРБ Владислав Кравец.

Укрсоцбанка Борис Тимонькин. «Сегодня средний срок возврата ипотечного кредита составляет 7 лет — уровень досрочных погашений в Украине чрезвычайно высок. Если ограничат максимальные сроки кредитования, увеличатся ежемесячные платежи, но тех, кто берет сегодня ипотечные кредиты, это не остановит», — разъясняет он.

Не все так плохо и для желающих взять ипотечный кредит. «Ограничение сроков кредитования скажется на клиентах, но здесь можно будет придумать различные схемы, чтобы эти платежи уменьшать», — успокаивает будущих заемщиков исполнительный директор Украинской национальной ипотечной ассоциации (УНИА) Алексей Пилипец. Сообщает Обком

По словам экспертов, как вариант можно разработать схему, по которой банк будет выдавать кредит на 10 лет с возможностью пролонгации еще лет на 10. В то же время ежемесячные платежи будут рассчитываться исходя из «общего» срока, то есть 20 лет, и, соответственно, будут меньше.

«Чтобы пролонгировать договор, нужно изначально составить график погашения таким образом, чтобы к концу 10-го года он составил половину от тела кредита», — говорит Павел Крапивин. Таким образом, формально перед Нацбанком сроки будут выдерживаться.

Чтобы перестраховаться и не вызывать у НБУ лишних вопросов, банки при такой схеме могут требовать от заемщиков приводить, скажем, не одного, а двух-трех поручителей. Возможно, кроме самой квартиры, придется отдавать в залог дополнительные средства, например, машину.

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Healthy Weight Loss - Is It Possible To Lose Weight Healthy?

When it comes to losing weight the first thing a person should be looking at doing is setting up a good healthy weight loss plan. Through such a plan you will be able to realistically balance what you hope to achieve through it and ensure that you remain fit and healthy as well. Unfortunately a lot of people will choose a weight loss plan because they have seen it advertised on TV or someone they know has used it and it has worked for them. But the problem is we are all different and where one plan may work for one person it may not actually work for another. Below we provide some advice when it comes to setting up your own healthy weight loss plan.

1. You need to remain motivated

The biggest obstacle faced by all people who decide that they want to lose weight is that they lose motivation as soon as they realize that the weight is not being lost as quickly as they thought. Therefore when devising your weight loss plan it is important that you write down the reasons as to why you want to lose the weight in the first place and refer back to them as soon as you start to feel that you can not be bothered to carry on with the plan that you have devised for yourself.

2. Forget about the weight loss

Rather than focusing on losing the weight you should be focusing more on getting fit and healthy. Certainly look at your plan as a way of improving your life and set yourself particular goals each week that can help you to remain on track. Therefore by focusing more on your health rather than the weight loss you will find that you are better able to cope with those times when you see no changes in your weight.

3. Get plenty of exercise

Generally for any plan to work you need to be taking some form of regular exercise each day. You should be aiming to be doing around 20 to 30 minutes each day. You do not actually have to go to the gym in order to achieve this just going for a walk or jog is sufficient as long as you do around 20 to 30 minutes each day. What is important that you increase the amount of exercise that you are doing each day. If you do not find that you have to time to go for a walk during the day then why not change your routine when you are going to work each day. In future why not get an earlier bus or train to work and then get off a couple of stops earlier than you would normally do and walk the rest of the way to the office.

Above we have provided you with some useful tips when it comes to healthy weight loss. Certainly through these you will find that you can lose weight more effectively and efficiently than through the use of any kind of fad diets that are being touted today.

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воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 г.

Dying to Lose Weight? Don't Die for Your Diet

Yes, believe it or not, there are many dangers to dieting. When you take on the task of starting a new diet, there are a couple of very important questions that you need to ask yourself.

The first question is this: Do you really need to lose some pounds or are you just feeling pressured to lose weight from the media, a friend, or family member? Make sure you really do need to lose weight. One should never feel pressured into losing weight.

The second question is this: Is it a safe diet? Check with your doctor to make sure it's a safe diet. There are thousands of different types of diets on the market today. You need to make sure you are using the one that is right for YOUR body and circumstance. If you choose the wrong diet, you could actually wind up gaining more weight or harming your body severely. So, check with a doctor first before starting any kind of diet plan.

A very common danger to dieting is if you are not careful, dieting can become an addiction to you. Some people become completely obsessed with the way they look that dieting literally becomes addictive to them and they can't stop. They fall into this eating disorder which usually leads to cutting out foods that their body really needs and sometimes even starving themselves. Many people end up in the hospital because they started dieting and couldn't stop and literally wind up hurting their bodies instead of helping.

Another danger to dieting is when you stick to a diet for a while; lose a lot of weight, then go back into your old eating habits, gain all the weight back, and then start dieting again. It can become a vicious cycle known as "yo-yo" dieting. Up and down, up and down. Back and forth, back and forth. Our bodies were not made for this constant weight change of going back and forth. Most doctors will say that it is better to be a little overweight versus the constant weight change. So, don't start a diet unless you plan to stick to it.

Just remember that the most important thing to do for your body before starting any diet program is to get all the facts. Check with your doctor or nutritionist about whether or not it is the best weight loss plan for you. Take any diet plan slow and set realistic goals. You are trying to lose weight, not your health.

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вторник, 5 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — типы займов

АКБ Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших российских банков, входящий в десятку основных банковских учреждений РФ. На российском кредитном рынке кредитная организация предлагает следующие виды займов:

Потребительский ссуду — выдаваемый кредитным учреждением физическим и юридическим лицам с целью покупки услуг и товаров с перенесением срока уплаты за купленные услуги и товары, с дальнейшим компенсацией одолженных средств и процентного дохода по заемных средствам.

Банковские кредитки — более современная форма потребительского кредитования, дают возможность получать разнообразные вещи без дополнительного визита в банковское учреждение с единовременным лимитом с последующим возвращением взятых суммы банку.

Основными задачами кредитных карт являются получение денежных средств в банкоматных устройствах или отделении кредитной организации, а также отзывы о банках в терминалах партнерских банках. Кроме того карты Промсвязьбанка дают возможность делать безнальные переводы денежных средств, а также производить покупки предметов потребления и различных услуг. ПромСвязьБанк Заявка на кредит.

В АКБ «Промсвязьбанк» широко предложено программы по кредитованию жилья. Жилье в ипотеку позволяет купить квартиру или дом без использования собственных средств, с использованием денег кредитной организации, с последующим возмещением взятых денег под низкую ставку. В качестве залога может предоставляться покупаемый недвижимый объект. Обращаем внимание, предмет залога застраховывается от нанесения повреждений, кроме этого подлежит страхованию жизнь и здоровье получившего ипотеку.